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Uncertain World Order Seminars 1 - The Role of Museums as Political Repression in Nation Building: The Case of Aljir Memorial Complex in Kazakhstan

Uncertain World Order Seminars 1 - The Role of Museums as Political Repression in Nation Building: The Case of Aljir Memorial Complex in Kazakhstan
  • Event Location
    Zoom - https://ibnhaldun.zoom.us/j/92115849787?pwd=RG43TGdtaGpwMjNhTlBTQytVL1loUT09
  • Activity Start
    2024-01-08 20:30
  • Activity End
    2024-01-09 21:30
  • This event has ended. Thank you for your attention.

The rapid changes in political, economic and social dynamics point to an uncertain world order. With the declining influence of traditional norms in international relations, shifting global power balances and technological developments, it is becoming increasingly difficult to predict and understand the current situation. Current dynamics such as inter-communal relations, cyber security threats and global pandemics have increased the uncertainty of the international order and complicated inter-state cooperation and competition. In this context, in order to address this new era in international relations, we, as HACE and REDAM, share with you the first of our seminar series titled "Uncertain World Order", which will take place once a month.

Please fill out the form below to receive our seminars to be held in the coming months.

Uncertain World Order Seminars
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